Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2-Assignment

Week 2-Assignment

Q Please make sure you identify which task you are answering, do not re-write the question/task but write the number you are answering. Please answer only one of the following questions: 3. There is a great deal of similarity and some differences between Sutherland’s differential association theory and Akers’ differential reinforcement theory, especially since both are declared or identified as social learning theories. Discuss the difference and similarities between these two theories and emphasize the social interaction that each theory points out. 4. After reading Chapter Six discuss why and/or how techniques of neutralization, containment theory, social bonding, and self-control theories are seen or placed in the social control paradigm or category. Emphasize the control variable or segment that each theory addresses. Do not simply describe each different theory, but discuss how each theory plays on or emphasizes the control aspect.

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Differential association gives the setting wherein learning happens. As indicated by the hypothesis, the main settings for learning criminal conduct incorporate friend gatherings and nuclear families, however shifting elements like schools, neighbors, and